Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Strawberry Picking field trip

On Thursday, April 3rd we went strawberry picking at Landry-Poche Farms. It's always a fun day to pick & eat strawberries and play & fellowship with friends.  We couldn’t ask for a more beautiful day.  It was a great day for picking, picnicking, and play.

This was the first of two field trips for our group.  We had to schedule two days to accommodate our group.

First, Mrs. Rhonda gathered our group together to give go over the rules, and show us the which area/rows of the farm designated for our group.  After picking and eating strawberries, we gathered for a history lesson on strawberry farming and the Landry-Poche Strawberry Farm.  Then, we headed over to their picnic and play area for lunch and more fun.  Some of us stayed for most of the day enjoying the weather, friends, and the farm.

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These were the kids..


and the moms that were left at the end of our fun day:)