Several weeks ago, our homeschool group, Bayou Cajun Homeschoolers, went on a field trip to Cabela’s. It was really neat. The store does field trips which include the following for each child:
*Guided interactive tour of the 3 museums and 1 aquarium set on a level to entertain children of all ages
*Scavenger Hunt through out all of Cabela's
*Shooting Gallery Tokens for each child
*Fish food to feed the fish in the pond
*Lunch for the child which includes pizza, drink, and dessert.
We were split up into three different groups so we could roam the store. Did you know that Cabela’s has been opened 50 years this year?
It’s a huge store with lots of real, stuffed animals from all over the world.
Here we are waiting in the conference area so that we can get our instructions before we split up into groups.
Did you know that if you kill an elephant overseas that you’re not allowed to bring the tusk with you? You can stuff it but without the tusk.
The Gun Gallery
They had a sniper rifle used in the military. It can fire it’s bullet 3 miles. Ms. Christine is showing the kids the bullet for this gun. Each bullet cost $5!
A picture of group 1
Some of the kids got to test out a tree stand.
In the shooting gallery
The Back Country Wildlife Museum
Eating our lunch
Each group got to go to the General Store for a bite of fudge. They make all of their fudge in their store daily.
More of the store
The Aquarium
Kristie, one of our moms who is a photographer, made this video from our field trip. She captured some great pictures and said I could share it with you. Thanks Kristie!!!
Check it out!